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Women and the Wind : Home is Where the Wind Blows

Women and the Wind : Home is Where the Wind Blows

After over a year on land, we are finally sailing and our first trip was Lærke’s first trip on Mara...
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Catching Up With Women & the Wind : Patience is Part of the Process

Catching Up With Women & the Wind : Patience is Part of the Process

Lærke Heilmann and Kiana Weltzien of non-profit  Women and the Wind are finally ready to embark on their long awaited...
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Does Recycling Actually Matter?

Does Recycling Actually Matter?

Tina Nguyen , a professional trash nerd with with sustainability consulting firm EcoNomics, Inc., and longtime surfer from Orange County,...
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Help Protect Our Oceans : Five Ways You Can Tackle the Plastic Problem

Help Protect Our Oceans : Five Ways You Can Tackle the Plastic Problem

Plastic pollution is a disaster for our oceans, but we can take action as individuals, and collectively as concerned communities on a...
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Creative Collaboration and Community : A Conversation with Sachi Cunningham and Chelsea Woody

Creative Collaboration and Community : A Conversation with Sachi Cunningham and Chelsea Woody

Seea contributor Rhea Cortado caught up with filmmaker Sachi Cunningham and Textured Waves co-founder Chelsea Woody to talk about creative...
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Celebrating our Ocean Loving Seea Mamas : Your Mother's Day Submissions

Celebrating our Ocean Loving Seea Mamas : Your Mother's Day Submissions

It is often the case that the best gifts are not things that can be wrapped, but rather moments and...
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Eco-Friendly Surfers : Your Conscious & Sustainable Lifestyle List!

Eco-Friendly Surfers : Your Conscious & Sustainable Lifestyle List!

For our 2022 Yulex Earth Day Giveaway, we asked for a roundup of your favorite conscious / eco-friendly practices. Everything...
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Three Reasons to Love Our Yulex Wetsuits

Three Reasons to Love Our Yulex Wetsuits

The birth of the neoprene wetsuit in the 1950's was a game changer for surfers and seafaring enthusiasts alike. An early...
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Meet the Girls In Livorno - A Friendship Bound by the Sea

Meet the Girls In Livorno - A Friendship Bound by the Sea

One might say that those of us who are drawn to the sea are kindred spirits - the innate urge we...
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Legasea friendship : Celebrating 10 years with Mele Saili

Legasea friendship : Celebrating 10 years with Mele Saili

"The day I met Mele, we were surfing Malibu and it was crowded as usual. In the middle of the...
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Women's [Surf] History Month

Women's [Surf] History Month

 In honor of Women’s History Month, we decided to take a look at some of our favorite iconic riders in the world of...
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In Retrospect: Reflections From The Early Days

In Retrospect: Reflections From The Early Days

As we continue to dive back into the archives for our 2022 Retrospective Collection releases, we asked Heather Rosenthal (an...
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