Ginastica Natural Movement: Learn About This Training Method and Why it Will Improve Your Surfing

Ginastica Natural Movement: Learn About This Training Method and Why it Will Improve Your Surfing

Caitlin Creeper, writer, mother, surfer, and co-founding member of wellness platform Salty Club, took some time to talk with us about Ginastica Natural and the ways it can benefit your surfing, and where to try out a class.
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 If you're a surfer, you know how positively surfing affects both your mind and your physical well being. 

In a perfect world, we'd all be able to surf every day, but that's not always possible.  Luckily, if you're looking to maintain the strength, mobility, and endurance required in surfing, even when you can't get in the water, there are various types of training options to suit your unique needs.

We recently learned about a form of training called Ginastica Natural through our friends at Salty Club. We were intrigued by the way it seemed to draw from a number of different types of body movements we were already familiar with, and also in the way it helped with surf training.

Caitlin Creeper, writer, mother, surfer, and co-founding member of wellness platform Salty Club, took some time to talk about this dynamic training method, the ways it can benefit your surfing, and where to get started.

 {Co-Founder of Salty Club, Erika Drolet, demonstrates a Ginastica movement}


What is Ginastica Natural?  

A complete bodyweight training method which benefits your entire body and life, allowing you to develop strength, mobility, core stability, balance, flexibility, fluidity, focus and coordination simultaneously – resulting in incredible physical AND mental fitness. This surf-style training is also the best preparation to face the ocean confidently!

What are the origins of this type of movement / exercise? 

 Originally from Brazil, this methodology could be described as the combination between jiu-jitsu, capoeira, yoga and animal motion.

 How do you adapt it specifically for surf training? 

 We love using Ginastica Natural for surf training for 3 main reasons :

  1.  It drastically increases one's posture and body awareness in space.
  2. With a big focus on mobility (shoulders, hips) it gives someone the ability to expand their range of motion (think paddle position, ease on pop-up, lower vs upper body torsion in maneuvers).
  3. Because no equipment is needed, it can really be practiced anywhere which makes it the perfect beach warm-up or a great ally for at-home training or on a surf trip. 
Have you seen this type of exercise benefit your own surfing, personally?

I've really learned with Ginastica to utilize my breath in order to develop both power and ease. It has also radically helped me have better coordination and understanding of my body position in action, especially arms, shoulders, and head as the center of gravity.

Any favorite moves?  

Frog jump to front kick. Basic Roll. Lateral Monkey.

Is this type of exercise suitable for everyone? 

It is! I think the beauty of this practice is that it makes you realize that going back to a more primal way of moving is innate, and it shows us where we've become bound in our bodies. 

But, if you are pregnant, it is advisable to avoid the stomach rolls and the jumps. 

What type of classes do you offer on your site — where can anyone interested find them? 

We have a whole selection of on-demand GN classes right here  

With a Salty Club Membership, you have unlimited access to these classes and we are frequently adding more. 

We also offer different surf-focused classes. For example. we have classes geared toward building paddle strength and classes for stretching and mobility  (including a Yoga for Surfers series). 

Monthly membership is $19 a month, but right now you can trial the club for one month completely free with the code SEEAXSALTYCLUB! Sign up here!



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