What I Wish I Knew as a Young Artist: Julie Goldstein's Creative Evolution

What I Wish I Knew as a Young Artist: Julie Goldstein's Creative Evolution

Looking back at 10 years of work compiled for a special retrospective exhibit, Julie Goldstein shares her advice and lessons for young artists.

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Artist Julie Goldstein adds a hand drawn message at her gallery show. Photo courtesy of SWMwithme.

The way people discover and view art today is totally different from it was 10 or 15 years ago, at the time artist Julie Goldstein started exhibiting her wood cut prints. Imagine if your experience with art was limited to what you could see with your own eyes, in the physical place it was displayed. 

“When I first started creating woodcuts and exhibiting, it was in 2000 in New York City. The museums and galleries is where we viewed art, talked about art and everything was tangible,” Julie tells us. 

Today, social media, blogs and digital communication make it easier for artists to find their own niche audiences and get discovered by gallery curators and collectors. 

“We can view, sell and receive feedback internationally by using Instagram, Facebook and other platforms to help promote ourselves as artists,” Julie continued. 

What does this new landscape mean for a budding new artist? Looking back at 10 years of work compiled for a special retrospective exhibit, Julie shares her advice and lessons for young artists. For more information about Julie Goldstein’s exhibit at California State University San Marcos, open now through March 23, 2016 click HERE

A look at Julie Goldstein's work displayed at CSU San Marcos. 
How do you respond to criticism about your work? 

I always appreciate when I receive feedback, especially when viewers challenge my concepts and vision. It inspires me and helps me to reflect on my concepts.

When you see all your work together, how have you seen yourself evolve as an artist and person? 

It is interesting, the stories have changed and developed over the years, but the core content and inspiration is the same. I have always felt very strongly about coupling my passions for the sea with stories that have evolved over time about women, relationships and my personal experiences. I try to keep my work semi-autobiographic and personal. My ideas keep evolving as my own life shifts and changes over time.

How does each piece represent a turning point? 

Each piece is a considered a chapter in a book. They represent different parts of my life. Women who I know personally and women who are pioneers that relate to me on different levels. The sea, surfing and my connections to nature are always a strong part of the work.

Two of Julie Goldstein's prints. Photos courtesy of the artist. 

Why is it important to continually grow, evolve, and through all that, what about yourself is always the same?

It is important to pay attention to life and how we evolve over time. I feel that as my personal life evolves so does my work. They are closely related. However, my core content, values and beliefs stay the same. How I portray this story will always evolve as the meaning and who I am stays the same.

What advice do you wish someone told you in the early part of your art career that you’d like to pass on to the new generation? 

I wish that I were given more guidance at a young age on how to connect to the art world, galleries and museums. I think that most challenging part of being an artist is finding consistent work and galleries to exhibit in. Having a cohesive body of work is very important. My advice to young artists is keep working, producing art and do not fear showing your work and receiving feedback. Believe in your goals and passions and you will persevere.

Thanks for your inspiring words and encouragement, Julie! 

To view more of Julie's work, go to her website: juliegoldstein1.com
Follow Julie on Instagram: @swmwithme
For more information about her show, click HERE

Current exhibition. 


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